Bosch Dishwasher - Won’t Drain - E24 & E25 Error - Easy Fixes
The E24 & E25 error code on a Bosch dishwasher indicates a blockage in the drain pump or the drain hose. It can also be caused by a loose impeller cover. Here are the steps to fix it: 1. Turn off the power to the dishwasher by unplugging it or switching off the circuit breaker. 2. Check and clean the dishwasher drain air gap: • Locate the air gap, which is a small cylindrical device typically located at the back of the sink or countertop. • Remove the chrome cover of the air gap by twisting it gently counterclockwise. • Inspect the plastic tube that connects the air gap to the garbage disposal or sink drain. Check for clogs, kinks or bends that could be causing the blockage. • Clean the tube using a pipe cleaner, wire or a long brush to remove any debris or food particles that may have accumulated. Here’s a great tool for cleaning out your Dishwasher Drain tube and Air-Gap. • Reassemble the air gap and replace the cov...